Best Manager

What Birbal was to Akbar, Tenali was to Krishnadevaraya, a witty, smart, resourceful, clever and wise manager. If every organization is like a dynasty, a manager like them is what it needs to flourish. A manager is to an organization what an ant is to an anthill, instilling purpose into their hard work. Like an ant that collects food for its clan, a manager should also be equally resourceful, patient and persistent. Those are just a few from the list of must-haves for a manager. Survival through the nexus of the most challenging rounds will only tell you what mettle you behold. A one-day event, a battle with some of the best brains across the country and a wrangling way up the ladder to victory is all it takes to dig out the best manager this year. Welcome to Birbal vs. Tenali, a battle of the wits, and bet it all to win big.


1. Only one person has to participate

2. No use of electronic gadgets 

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 Estelle: 9381394440 

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